Civil rights movement veterans

Civil Rights Movement Veterans (CRMVets) is a loose, on-line association of people who were active in the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1960s with organizations such as NAACP, CORE, SCLC, SNCC, Southern Conference Education Fund (SCEF), Southern Students Organizing Committee (SSOC), Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), Deacons for Defense, Delta Ministry, and other similar groups. Most CRMVets activity is oriented around contributing to the organization's web site at, responding to research queries, conducting seminars, and speaking to schools and other groups about the Freedom Movement.

In addition to providing contact information for movement veterans and a History and Timeline of the Southern Freedom Movement, CRMVets collects and posts primary source material about the Civil Rights Movement such as personal stories and interviews, discussions and analysis of the movement by those who were active in it, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, original source documents, movement-related poetry, and an extensive bibliography and list of web links. The web site also provides a place for movement veterans to post memorials and tributes for fellow veterans who have passed on.

CRMVets is an unincorporated, non-profit, non-commercial organization entirely supported by volunteer labor and donations of participants.

See also